News Release
Date – November 13, 2010
Type – Information, Suspicious Activities
Location – City of Tomah
On November 13, 2010 the Tomah Police Department became
aware of an incident which occurred approximately one week ago.
While attending church a citizen from Tomah was approached by an unknown
female outside the church. She explained that she was having
financial problems and asked if she could have $10.00. After
getting the $10.00 she asked for an address so that she could send the
money back to the person when she was better off. The female was not a
member of the church, did not attend church that day, and was not known
to the person she approached.
Although it is unknown if the person’s intent was to get the money, or
if the actual intent was to get the address of the person attending
church, the Tomah Police Department suggests not providing this
information in this situation.
If you have recently been approached and asked for money and then
provided the person with your address please contact the Tomah Police
Department at 608 374-7400.
Lieutenant Mark Nicholson
Tomah Police Department
608 374-7406